What Are The Marks Of Deception?

December 4

"Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many."
Matthew 24:11

What was the first sin? It wasn't eating a forbidden fruit, that was the second sin. The first was turning from the Word of God and believing instead the deception of the devil. He said: "Did God say you'll die? You won't die...!" (Genesis 3:4)

Satan does not come with banners announcing, "I am Satan coming to deceive you." No, deception will ALWAYS "sound good."

Deception always has a book that men go by. The Watchtower. The Koran. The Book of Mormon. The Catholic Catechism. The writings of Ellen G. White. The Talmuds. ALL of these are books of deception meant to replace the Bible.

Deception denies the inherent sinfulness of man and the need for a Savior, and substitutes it with the belief that people are saved by their "goodness." It is heresy and an affront to the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus didn't tell us to try to be better, he said "you must be born again."

There will usually be a man to whom the deceived look for "truth." The deceit lies in the fostered belief that the Bible is too hard to understand, therefore the submitting of men's minds to a man who can explain it to them.

Deception within the church comes in the form of the "prosperity" teachers, those who say you can "have your best life now," rather than Jesus's words: "DENY YOURSELF, take up your CROSS and follow me."

If you understand what the Word of God tells us about Satan then you'll understand that he is the author of deception. He comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy.

In the Word of God, however, Jesus says:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father EXCEPT through me."
John 14:6

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