The Ministry Of Angels

 December 3

"Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him,

and a light shone in the prison;
and he struck Peter on the side
and raised him up, saying, 'Arise quickly!'
And his chains fell off his hands."
Acts 12:7

Most believers, without realizing it, have been helped by an angel probably more often than they have any idea. Usually it's in impossible circumstances, when God will have an angel provide the help needed. We serve a supernatural God, who sometimes uses supernatural means to help us. But almost always - we will be TOTALLY UNAWARE until we look back and realize we had supernatural help. In the passage above, if you continue reading to verse 11, you find Peter realizing that he was escorted out by an angel – ONLY AFTER THE FACT.

"Are they not all ministering spirits

sent forth to minister for those
who will inherit salvation?"

Hebrews 1:14


There is a warning. We are not to make the subject of angels some kind of fascination. The very fact that they come into our lives and leave before we are aware indicates that they do NOT want attention brought to themselves. They are not seeking glory. God will not allow his glory to be given to an angel, and anyone who does that - is in idolatry. The "New Age" practice of having angel statues is idolatry. It is sin.

Know one thing: you will never be aware of it when God sends an angel to help you in any way.

The person visited will not realize that an angel assisted him until after the angel has left. Angels AVOID being known lest the person commit idolatry.

Our attention must always be solely on the Lord who sent help, for it is HE who provides our help in time of need.


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