He Did Not Revile In Return

October 4

"For to this you were called,
because Christ also suffered for us,
leaving us an example,
that you should follow his steps;
who committed no sin,
nor was deceit found in his mouth,
who, when he was reviled,
when he suffered, he did not threaten,
but committed himself to Him who judges righteously;"
1 Peter 2:21-23

It is human nature, when we are reviled, when we are rejected, when we are insulted, when something untrue is said about us, to fight back. When someone has something hateful to say to or about us, we snap back. But we are called to rise above that, as Christ set the example. Here he was, hanging on a cross, being reviled by men whom he had actually created! WHAT a picture! WHAT condescension! WHAT humility! WHAT an example!

Strive to follow his example. Keep in mind that snapping back accomplishes nothing good, nothing at all, it only satisfies the desire in the inner self to justify oneself and return insult to the one speaking against us. Brothers and sisters, this should not be so. That is what the world does. We are called to not be like the world, we are called to rise above self as unto the Lord.

"Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”
Galatians 5:16

"The reason God desires us to pray for our enemies is not because of what they are doing to us, but because of what they are doing to themselves.

Let us then, consider it a call to prayer when someone reviles us. Let that be the sign that this person needs prayer. How much more effective is prayer for that person, than hurling an insult back. And what an opportunity to be pleasing to the Lord!

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