February 6
"...for he vigorously
refuted the Jews publicly,
showing from the
Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ."
Could you do that? He was using only the Old
Testament, because the New Testament hadn't been written yet. Could
you prove Jesus is the Christ using only the Old Testament?
a person is born again, he yearns inside for others to come to the
Lord. We need to be ready to answer unbelievers when they challenge
us. Your answer could make the difference for that person's eternity.
That's why the Scripture says:
"...always be ready to
give a defense to everyone
who asks you a reason for the hope that
is in you..."
1 Peter 3:15
It will take a little
effort. Search the Scriptures to remember the ones that so ministered
to you, and prepare yourself with answers which might reach the
hearts of others.
How do you know that Jesus is the Christ,
the Messiah? If someone asked you, what would (or could) you
"Study to show thyself approved unto God,
workman who needs not to be ashamed,
dividing the word of truth."
Timothy 2:15
Who Is JesusChrist?
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