All That Glitters Is Not Gold

 November 3

"For Satan himself transforms himself
into an angel of light…"
2nd Corinthians 11:14

Think on this a moment. Do you understand this? It's vitally important to thoroughly understand it.


Because the common image people hold of Satan is that he is evil and is the cause behind all atrocities, so people associate him with all that is evil.

But there’s more to it than that, far more to it. When the military plans an assault on the enemy, it studies the enemy’s ways. You can’t defeat an enemy you’re unfamiliar with.

Satan does NOT come as Dracula. He does not appear ugly or evil. If he did, people wouldn’t fall for it.

The Word of God tells us that Satan transforms himself and appears as an angel of LIGHT.

What does that mean?

It means that when you see him, you won’t see hatred or murder or rape or lies, or as any other kind of evil perpetrator, although he is all of that. But he appears as LIGHT. As something good. As desirable. As pleasure.

That is how he appeared to Eve when he purposed to bring down the human race. He told her that the fruit of the forbidden tree was actually good, and that if you partake of it your eyes will be opened and you’ll become as God. She fell for it.

Do you think you would have done differently if that had been you in the Garden of Eden?

When he comes to you, his temptation will seem like something good.

But hear Jesus’s characterization of Satan:

"When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources,

for he is a LIAR and the father of it."
John 8:44

There is only one way to be protected from his deception. You must thoroughly know and commit to ...the Word of God. It is the TRUTH.

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