Demons Are Real

 October 27

"So the demons begged him, saying,
'If you cast us out, permit us to go away
into the herd of swine.'
And he said to them, 'Go.'
So when they had come out,
they went into the herd of swine.
And suddenly the whole herd of swine
ran violently down the steep place into the sea,
and perished in the water."
Matthew 8:28

The world will snicker at you if you speak about demons. "C'mon, we're not in the dark ages anymore!" Doctors, psychiatrists, counselors, put more "sophisticated" labels on anything that's actually demonic. They'll call it seizures, not demons. They're schizophrenic, not demonized. Anything but demonized. However, in the Gospels we see multitudes of people being set free from spirits that caused all manner of physical afflictions. (Mark 9:25-27). A doctor would laugh at that.

The demons spoke. Seizures don't speak, demons speak. They conversed with Jesus until he cast them out. Demons are real.

If you believe the Scriptures, don't be ashamed to see things as they really are. The Gospel of Mark shows Jesus casting DEMONS out of many.

In one place, the people were so "spooked" by what Jesus did that they actually asked him to leave the area! Here was a mad man who was suddenly made whole, yet the people asked Jesus to leave.

"And behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus,
and when they saw him, they begged him
to depart from their region."
Matthew 8:34

What would you do? If you saw Jesus casting a demon out of a person who was made well as a result, would you be so spooked that you'd ask Jesus to leave? Or would you realize that he has the power to set people free from things that held them in bondage all their lives?

Demons are real.

And deliverance is real.

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