The Pleasure Of Gossip

 June 8

“The hypocrite with his mouth
destroys his neighbor...”

Proverbs 11:9

Words are powerful things. Words spoken against a person may be taken to heart by someone listening, and the person spoken about might now be viewed by others through the lens of our hateful words. We can destroy someone with our words.

vs 13:

“A talebearer reveals secrets,
but he who is of a faithful spirit
conceals a matter.”

You may know a juicy bit of information about someone, and the temptation to tell it to others may be great. But WHY is it that we get PLEASURE out of telling juicy bits of information in the first place?

Where does pleasure come from? Sin always begins with being drawn to an anticipated pleasure. Whatever sin one is bound in, he doesn’t want to leave it because it gives him pleasure. Do you hate someone? Hatred is pleasure. How much time we spend relishing evil thoughts about someone – because it gives us pleasure! All sin attaches itself to us through the DECEIT of pleasure.

“Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin;

and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”
James 1:15

Don’t be a gossip. Remember your own sin. And remember the warning:

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked;

for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
Galatians 6:7

If you take pleasure in gossip, someone will take pleasure in gossiping about YOU. That is what is meant by “reaping.” What you have done to others, will be done to you.

Care about the poor person about whom you know a juicy tidbit. They have feelings just as you do. Find mercy in your heart for that person and conceal the matter. With such an attitude God will be very much pleased.

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