Four Hundred To One – Who Wouldn't Take These Odds?

March 29

“The kingdom of heaven is like a man
who sowed good seed in his field;
but while men slept, his enemy came
and sowed tares among the wheat
and went his way. But when the grain
had sprouted and produced a crop,
then the tares also appeared."
Matthew 13:24-26

The parable goes on to say that the servants asked whether they should uproot the tares, but the master said no, because you'd uproot the wheat too. Tares in a wheat field look exactly like the wheat as they're growing.

It's often difficult to discern false teachers, false prophets, because they look like the true. Often they have very winning personalities and have an air of credibility about them, and that's why so many fall for them. They're pleasing to listen to and their words are always "uplifting." But that's exactly how a wolf in sheep's clothing looks. They look like the sheep.

Satan doesn't care what you believe, as long as it isn't the truth.

King Ahab had 400 prophets who encouraged him to go to battle against the king of Syria. They all told him that God will deliver the Syrians into Ahab's hands. But then the true prophet, Micaiah, came to the king and told him not to go, that he would die in the battle. But Ahab listened to his 400 prophets who were all in agreement telling him what he wanted to hear.

Wouldn't you listen if 400 were telling you something "uplifting?" Would you even consider the one telling you an unpleasant truth? 400 to 1, who wouldn't take those odds?

Well, Ahab went to battle ...and died.

When you need direction, submit yourself and the problem to THE LORD. He is the ONLY one who can give you the RIGHT direction. He'll tell you the truth, even if it's not what you want to hear.

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