Whether You Understand It Or Not

 March 4

"Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit,
hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking,

as newborn babes desire
the pure milk of the Word,

that you may grow thereby,
if indeed you have tasted
that the Lord is gracious."

1 Peter 2:1-2

This is a command to...

LAY ASIDE all malice
LAY ASIDE all deceit
LAY ASIDE hypocrisy
LAY ASIDE all evil speaking

...feeding in the Word of God (the Bible) that you may grow thereby..."

There is no way to train the fallen human nature. How many make "New Year's resolutions" but cannot abide long in them. The fallen human nature has no hope other than the change God brings about in us when we are born again and abide in his Word. Truly abiding in his Word WILL change you.


When you sit down to a meal, you are providing your body the nutrients necessary for it to function - but you don't worry how the nutrients will accomplish that. It's the same with the Word of God. You take it daily and you don't worry HOW the Word will work in you, you just take it in. God says his Word is alive (Hebrews 412). The living Word will nurture you, it will cause you to grow.

Without the Word of God you will not be able to lay aside malice, etc. No one can do that on his own, because we live in a fallen human nature which makes it impossible. Just like New Year's resolutions - we want to but we can't.

Take the Word of God daily, whether you think you understand it or not, whether your mind strays or not, just take it in. Read it prayerfully, asking the Holy Spirit to nourish you and to reveal his Word to you. He will!

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