You Started Well - What Happened?

 Daily Devotional - December 29

"O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you
that you should not obey the truth,
before whose eyes Jesus Christ
was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?"

Galatians 3:1

Who has bewitched you?

While the context of this passage is speaking of those trying to be justified by works of the law, we also might ask so many others "who has bewitched you?" People who once were on fire for the Lord, but have lost that initial passion.

You started out well. You received the Lord with all of your heart. But as time went on, the influences of the world, the culture, and work, and tv and movies and being with unsaved people - have taken a toll on your faith. Your fire has become a smoldering wick.

"Nevertheless I have this against you,

that you have left your first love.
Remember therefore from where you have fallen;
repent and do the first works,
or else I will come to you quickly
and remove your lampstand from its place"

Return to the Lord you once loved so much – and he will receive you. He’s not an angry parent ready to scold you – on the contrary, he’s full of mercy and will receive you into his arms. The father of the prodigal ran to his son and hugged him. He will do the same for you. Come home.

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