You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover

September 1

"Some men’s sins are clearly evident,
preceding them to judgment,
but those of some men follow later.
Likewise, the good works of some
are clearly evident, and those that
are otherwise cannot be hidden."
1 Timothy 5:24-25

We tend to judge people on the traits we see in them. But Scripture shows that while the sins of some are clearly evident, there are those people whose sins are not apparent. ALL are sinners whether their sins are of the obvious sort, or whether they are not, and the sins that are not apparent are just as bad as those that are.

People tend to categorize sin - big sins versus what they consider lesser sins, (especially the ones they are particularly guilty of.) Many would be stunned to realize that unseen sins like pride, hatred, jealousy, covetousness, are not lesser because they're unseen, in the eyes of God they are just as evil.

Most people learn what behavior is acceptable socially and they put on a face for the public that will make them look good. Most people know how to be polite and flattering, because they've learned that these things make them likable. But many of them are carrying around unseen sin, evil in their hearts which the world will not see because they're covered up by politeness, smooth speech, and feigned niceness. Be careful of "nice" people. As the saying goes, "You can't judge a book by its cover."

The point is twofold: We cannot judge accurately because we can only see what is obvious.

God knows all, nothing is hidden from him and he will judge righteously - of that you can be sure.

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