Look At The Cross And Ask ‘Why?’

April 8

“For the message of the Cross is foolishness
to those who are perishing,
but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
1 Corinthians 1:18

Look at the Cross and ask the question …“WHY?”

There is a deadly enemy, and it is his purpose to denigrate and ultimately destroy everything and anything having to do with the life, mission, and purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a tragedy — to muddy something so beautiful and eternally important as God’s redemption of man.

People make it a time of bunnies and eggs, things that have absolutely nothing to do with the greatest event in all of history – the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Catholic church set the remembrance of the Resurrection on the feast day of the false goddess Astarte, which is “Easter” in English. Astarte (Easter) is the goddess of fertility and sexuality, hence the bunnies and the eggs. What an affront to the risen Savior who rose from the dead three days after Passover, having conquered death and hell for all who would believe in him.

Satan clothes his allurements in beauty, fun and pleasure, as he does despite to the King of Glory.

Saints, do not take the atonement achieved by Jesus Christ lightly. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the one who conquered hell and the grave. Give to him the honor due him.

All About JesusChrist

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