The Stories Believers Love To Tell

 January 2

"But let all those rejoice
who put their trust in you;
let them ever shout for joy,
because you defend them;
let those also who love your Name
be joyful in you."
Psalm 5:11

The unsaved and the unconverted think believers live a life of restriction, stress and sorrow. While it's true that believers are attacked by Satan, it's a small price to pay in comparison to the wonderful things God does in their lives.

Every believer has many stories to tell about the glorious interventions of the Lord as he changes things, as he creates new stories, all of which are prized experiences they love to share. Believers are story-tellers. Their greatest joy is in telling others the wonderful experiences the Lord brings into their lives, showing his presence with them in continuous demonstration that he is with them in all they do.

Ask any born-again person, watch their eyes light up - and be prepared to hear story after story after story. These are the stories that keep a person going when trials come, because believers know they are NEVER alone but their Lord is always, always with them. He reminds them of the wonderful stories they have experienced, and shows them "the blessed hope," that is, the anticipation of the Bridegroom coming for the Bride and the joy of heaven to come. Forever.

Here are some stories I've gathered from believers I've known:

Make Known HisWondrous Deeds

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