Choose Your Weapons Wisely

 January 5

"For though we walk in the flesh,
we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare
are not carnal, but mighty in God
for pulling down strongholds..."
2 Corinthians 10:3-4

We have a vicious enemy who is committed to destroying us. He is behind every foul, rotten thing that happens in this world. He is a supernatural being who can see things we can't, and who has power above ours.

Does that mean we are sitting ducks for him? For many – yes.

For the few who know the Scripture's prescriptions for confronting this evil being They who use the teaching of the Word of God rather than trying to use human reasoning and human methods to fight the enemy – will prevail. Confronting a supernatural enemy using the weapons God has made available to us makes all the difference in the world.

So what ARE the weapons?

Knowing thoroughly and applying the Word of God, accompanied by fasting and prayer. Notice that these are what Jesus himself used when he walked the shores of Galilee.

Will that change the circumstances?

Sometimes. More often than not it will change YOU. God uses the hard things of life to develop us, to mature us.

Jesus still had to go to the cross - but that one act changed the eternities of many, many people. Paul still had to remain in prison - but while in prison he wrote a large part of what would come to be the New Testament.

What we can be SURE of is that God WILL turn every situation around to the good for those who love him and who follow what he has prescribed for us. (Romans 8:28)

Don't waste your trials. Follow the methods your creator has provided and you find will him faithful to turn it all out for the good.

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