January 28
"It is honorable for a man to stop
since any fool can start a
Proverbs 20:3
are quarrels that have lasted years, both parties believing they are
right. The question therefore is: if you continue the quarrel another
twenty years, what have you gained?
Let it go. It can't
produce what you wish. If it hasn't yet, it won't in the future
either, so just let it go. Be at peace with the person. THAT is gain.
Continued strife is useless.
"...lest any root of
bitterness springing up
cause trouble, and by this many become
Hebrews 12:15
one is in the company of someone filled with bitterness, the very air
seems defiled. Those nearby come under the cloud of that person and
become defiled just from being in his/her presence. There's nothing
you can do about someone filled with bitterness. All your efforts to
bring them to peace will fail, because bitterness is a monster that
so entangles the heart of a person that it's almost impossible for
him/her to escape it.
So what CAN you do?
When you are
with a bitter person, simply don't enter into conversation. Don't
open it up for him/her to spew his bitterness out. Do not argue, lest
you open yourself up to bitterness taking hold in YOU. What do you
do? Be quiet. Silence sometimes speaks louder than words.
it is possible, as much as depends on you,
live peaceably with all
Romans 12:18
And above all, pray for that
person. Trying to change his viewpoint will fail. Fasting and prayer
are the only things that can bring that person to freedom. Ask God to
give him/her A PERSPECTIVE that will enable
him to forgive. Ask the Lord to heal his/her broken heart and set
this captive free.
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