What Will Be The Outcome?

November 30

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
they labor in vain who build it;"
Psalm 127:1

It's the old battle between self-will and surrender. A person decides what he/she wants out of life and pursues it. But if the path one takes is not God's will for his life, of what value will it turn out to be?

The Lord will allow us to go our chosen way because he has given us the gift of free will. But of what value are the things I've done for me, the places I've settled for me, the one I've married for me, the occupation I've chosen for me, the friends I have for me, the hobbies I like for me? When the Lord is left out of the elements of life he will not bless what you've done "for me."

How much more valuable then, will all of these things be if they have first been committed to the Lord in surrender to his will for one's life? When a person is in the will of God he has the assurance that every element of his life is God-led according to the unique plan God has for him.

"The steps of a good man

and he delights in his way."
Psalm 37:23

If you want God's blessing, then you have to do it his way.

Commit all you are and all you do - to the one who will work everything out for you according to his plan for your life. For God's plan to be fulfilled you have to be in the right places at the right times, with the people God will bring into and out of your life.

If God is the Lord of your life, you can live in faith and trust. But If YOU are the Lord of your life, you're on your own.

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