At Church Leave Carnality At The Door

November 8

"Then Jesus went into the Temple of God
and drove out all those who bought and sold in the Temple,
and overturned the tables of the money changers
and the seats of those who sold doves.
And he said to them, 'It is written,
My house shall be called a house of prayer,
but you have made it a den of thieves.’”
Matthew 21:12-13

The church, the place people go to worship God, is a holy place. But how far it has fallen from holiness! Many of the churches today are little more than social clubs. Churches draw people by delighting them with the kind of musical performances that are only too close to what you'd hear in bar rooms. Lights and strobes and smoke and all manner of entertainment - this is hideous. His house is not a house of prayer, it's a house of performances.

God is holy. He's not looking for hearts to be stirred up by foot-stomping, hand-clapping fun. When one comes before the Lord, he is looking for two things: 1. reverence before him. And 2. repentant hearts.

We come to bow before the King of all creation. We come inviting the Spirit of God to move over us and cleanse us and bring us to repentance before him. In such a setting, the Holy Spirit is free to move and minister to the people.

There is a place for joy in the Lord, beautiful praise and worship before him, but not for the kind of carnal antics practiced in so many of today's churches. When people come together to worship the Lord, let them WORSHIP HIM from a right heart. The focus must move from us to HIM. We come to adore and magnify the greatness of our God. He calls us to separate from the world, not to bring the world into his holy place.

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