Show Me Where I Am Deceived

October 25

“I will deliver you from the Jewish people,
as well as from the Gentiles, to whom
I now send you, TO OPEN THEIR EYES,

in order to turn them from darkness to light,
and from the power of Satan to God,
that they may receive forgiveness of sins..."
Acts 26:17-18

To open their eyes…

A deceived person doesn’t know he’s deceived, he’s sure he’s right. I clearly remember the day my eyes were opened. I had no idea I was deceived. When the Lord opened my eyes that day, I was shocked. It was like the light suddenly went on and I saw it clearly. I was angry, angry that I had lived in deception for so many years. Though it staggered me for days, still I was thankful because the underlying foundation of my life is the desire to know the truth.

The born-again experience totally transforms a life, bringing the heart out of darkness into light, transferring the person out of the kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of God, granting forgiveness of sins and heaven to come. But it has to start with "show me."

Pray with me:
Father, we’re born into a sinful world, to sinful parents, into a sinful society and we are deceived by all of these. Of course one who is deceived has no idea he is deceived. Lord, I pray that in any area in which I am deceived, please show me. I want to know the truth Lord, even if it hurts, as discovering truth usually does. I ask for humility to admit I was wrong - because discovering we are wrong is a great offense to pride. I ask for grace to embrace truth, no matter what. There is nothing in life as important as knowing the truth.

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