Only God Can Bring Peace - And This Is Purposeful

September 24

"Also the sons of those who afflicted you
shall come bowing to you,
and all those who despised you
shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet;
and they shall call you the City of the Lord,
Zion of the Holy One of Israel."
Isaiah 60:14

God has made wonderful promises concerning the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Looking at the news these days may make some wonder how on earth that could ever be.

It is the glory of God to tell things in advance, especially when all that is seen points to the very opposite -- so that when it comes to pass, God will be glorified.

vs 18:

"Violence shall no longer be heard in your land,
neither wasting nor destruction within your borders;
but you shall call your walls Salvation..."
and your gates Praise.

The boasting of those who hate Israel, the voices of Iran, Russia, Turkey, and of all the countries surrounding Israel - ALL those who are presently spewing hatred and terror in the land - will be brought down and their threats of annihilation will fall upon themselves.

Truly the Lord
WILL be glorified when he brings righteousness and peace to Israel forever, and no one else can accomplish this.

The picture before us now proclaims that Israel's case is hopeless. SHE IS SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES by hate-filled enemies vowing to destroy her. So when those enemies are themselves destroyed and when Israel is finally redeemed and brought to glory, the Name of the THE ONLY ONE who can accomplish this will be praised forever.

His Name is Yahweh, not Allah. His Name is glorious and all will know that - when he brings to pass all he has foretold concerning the land of Israel, the city of Jerusalem, and the Jewish sons and daughters of Jacob.

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