If Your Name's Not In The Book, Nothing You Do Matters

"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this,
that the spirits are subject to you,
but rather - rejoice because your names
are written in heaven.”
Luke 10:20

The disciples returned from a mission and were excited that they were able to cast out demons. But when they told Jesus, he corrected their attitudes. It's not in your works, it's in the fact that you are saved.

We are not saved by the works we do. A person's whole life can center around doing things in Jesus's name and acquiring a great following. But all of that is useless if they don't know him. "You must be born again," Jesus said.

Many of the big-name televangelists today boast in the things they do in order to make themselves seem great and gather a lot of followers. But to many of them Jesus will say, "I never knew you." They may bring in massive amounts of money, they may live in beautiful homes, travel the world in private jets, wow the people with signs and wonders - but what good is it if Jesus will say to them, "I never knew you."

You MUST be born again. To "know" God is to recognize one's evil fallen nature, to repent, and to surrender one's whole self and whole life to him.

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure,
but of succeeding at something that doesn't really matter.”
-Dwight L. Moody

Could my tears forever flow,

these for sin could not atone,
thou must save, and thou alone;
In my hand no price I bring,
simply to thy Cross I cling.
-Lyrics to Rock of Ages

Along Emaus Road

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