He Alone Has The RIGHT Answer


August 8

"Give us help from trouble,

for the help of man is useless."
Psalm 108:12

When one is in trouble, his natural human way is to go to a parent or a friend to hash it out and get advice. But who is our parent? Who is our friend, that they might advise us wisely? They are just human beings as we are, and their advice will be tainted by their affection for us. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, you know your parent or your friend will take your side and share your anger at whoever offended you.

Blessed is the man/woman who does NOT turn to family or friends, but who turns to the Lord. The Lord has a perspective that no one else has. He knows the details of the story totally. Only HE can give the RIGHT advice, the RIGHT direction, because his counsel will be rooted in truth. Many a time, the counsel given by the Lord will be the opposite from that of one's close friends or loved ones.

Open your heart to him to hear whatsoever he has to say. Even if it is YOU who is wrong, he is the one who knows that. His counsel will not be swayed by emotion or family loyalty, his counsel will stand in the truth.

You can TRUST the Lord. He will take up your cause, of that you can be SURE. If someone has hurt you unjustly, HE will deal with your enemy. Isn't that what you want? The situation worked out justly? Then bring your trouble to him. He will hear you. He will CARE. And he will work it out in a way that your loved ones never could.

vs 13:

"Through God we will do valiantly,
for it is HE who shall tread down our enemies."

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