It Takes All Kinds

 July 13

"For in fact the body is not one member but many.
If the foot should say,
'Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,
is it therefore not of the body?' ...
And if the ear should say,
'Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,?'
is it therefore not of the body?”

1 Corinthians 12:14-15

I once heard a sermon by Charles Stanley who expounded on this subject saying that not only is each one a unique part of the Body of Christ, but that God has equipped each one with the gifts and talents and even the personality that goes along with the part that God has created that person to be.

That also means that you can't expect people of a different makeup to be like you, to think like you, to prefer what you prefer, etc. I have a friend who is gifted in hospitality, and another friend who is a gifted teacher. They are so opposite from each other that it's amazing. But each of them plays out their part perfectly and in harmony.

If the teacher demanded that the one gifted in hospitality go into teaching, think like a teacher, and love teaching, would that make any sense? Or if the one gifted in hospitality demanded that the teacher take over hospitality, spend their time and efforts in hospitality, would that make sense?

So the summation of the point is that we need to appreciate each person as God has made them and not ever demand that they be or feel or act as we would.

Understanding this can make a world of difference when we're associated with people who do NOT think or feel or act as we would. Even the lowliest among us are equally valuable and as equally needed as we perceive ourselves to be.

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