Idols In One's Heart

 July 1

“Therefore speak to them, and say to them,
‘Thus says the Lord God:
Everyone of the house of Israel
who sets up his idols IN HIS HEART,
and puts before him what
causes him to stumble into iniquity,
and then comes to the prophet,
I the Lord will answer him who comes,
according to the multitude of his idols…'”
Ezekiel 14:4

Most of the passages in the Bible that deal with idolatry are speaking of images, objects, medals, statues, etc, that people use or wear for protection or “good luck.” But in this passage the Lord is speaking of idols that are in the HEART of a man.

What is idolatry of the heart?

It’s anything that is in the heart that prevents the Spirit of the Lord working in one's heart. It’s anything one does that “causes him to stumble into iniquity.”

What have you placed in your heart that causes you to sin? If you desire for God to be your God, then you must remove whatever causes you to stumble into sin. Get rid of it!

vs 6:

“Therefore say to the house of Israel,
‘Thus says the Lord God:

REPENT, turn away from your idols,
and turn your faces away
from all your abominations.'”

You can't walk with the Lord if you're entertaining sin in your heart. First, repent. But if you refuse to:

"It is a fearful thing

to fall into the hands of the living God."
Hebrews 10:31

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