Even In Judgment There Is Hope

 July 4

“And in that day you will say:
‘O Lord, I will praise you;
though you were angry with me,
your anger is turned away,
and you comfort me.'”
Isaiah 12:1

I have known the anger of the Lord. And I have known his mercy. The judgments of the Lord are always right, but even in judgment there is always hope because his mercy endures forever.

vs 5-6:

“Sing to the Lord,
for he has done excellent things;
this is known in all the earth.
Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion,
for great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!”

God has chosen Israel to reveal himself to us through their stories, and they surely have known the anger of God; but they are about to enter into the discovery of the greatness of the Holy One of Israel, because even in his times of anger he does not forget the covenants and promises he has made.

We are witnessing this in our generation, as he brings back the dispersed Jewish people to the land of their fathers, for he has not and will not ever forget the covenant he made with them. Nor will he ever forget the covenant he has made with us through Jesus Christ.

What we have witnessed in Israel is nothing short of a miracle, because these people were dispersed 2,000 years ago, they were scattered in every country on the earth, yet they are coming back to the land of their fathers in droves, and they are restoring the desolate land to its former beauty.

If you are in a situation of judgment, just remember the mercy of God and feast on his promises, because he is faithful. Even in judgment, there is hope.

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