Trust In The Trustworthiness Of God

March 20

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God,
but those things which are revealed
belong to us and to our children forever..."
Deuteronomy 29:29

As we journey through this life we will encounter many unexplainable things which will make us question God. The eternal "why's."

Job, a man grievously stricken with tragedy, refused to question God, but friends of his came and suggested all kinds of reasons why these calamities came upon him. At the end of the story, God was angry with those friends because they were wrong in their conclusions. In other words, we cannot always know the reasons behind things because God's ways are far more complicated than we have any idea. God sees with an eternal perspective that we do not have, therefore we have to leave the "why's" with him.

Job's amazing response:

"Naked I came from my mother’s womb,

and naked shall I return there.
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away,
blessed be the name of the Lord.'
In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.'"
Job 1:21-22

It is the pride and
arrogance of man to demand from God to know his reasons for things, with the unspoken threat that if he doesn't reveal the reason, the conclusion is that God is unjust. God has said that he is the God of justice, of love, of faithfulness. Sometimes he allows bad things to happen to good people, and he does not owe us an explanation. He wants to know the attitude of our heart, whether we will judge him wrongly, or whether we will believe in his INTEGRITY and trust him no matter what.

Trust him. Satan didn't pass that test. Don't make the same mistake.


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