It's Your Choice

March 21

" for me, I trust in you, O Lord;
I say, 'you are my God,
MY TIMES ...are in your hand;'"
Psalm 31:14-15

"My times..."

Before you were ever born, the Lord established his plan for your life.

"Your eyes saw my substance,
being yet unformed,

and in your book they all were written,
the days fashioned for me,
when as yet there were none of them."
Psalm 139:16

Understanding this helps you to wait on the Lord contentedly, knowing there is a time for everything he planned - before you ever were.

God knows your makeup, your talents, gifts, personality, indeed he knows the very number of hairs on your head. How important it is then, to have a heart surrendered to him so that that plan may be worked out perfectly, because the will of God is not carried out automatically, you CAN resist if you choose to. There are many who insist on having their way and developing their own plan for their lives; therefore they miss what could have been, what would have been, what should have been, had they chosen to abide in the will of God.

For those who believe, God has established the perfect story for each individual alone, and he has fitted his plan for each one - wholly unique and personalized to the way he has created them. Some of the ingredients will be painful, because God knows what is needed to bring us to the goal, the finished work in his plan for each one.

It's your choice. If you think you can better work out what you want in life, then you're free to pursue it your way. But on the day you stand before him, he will show you what could have been, what would have been, what should have been, had you surrendered to his will for your life.

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