It Will Soon Be Past

March 15

"... looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith,

who for the joy that was set before him
endured the Cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand
of the throne of God."

Hebrews 12: 2

How did Jesus endure the shame of the Cross? Men whom he had brought into the world - he allowed them to strip him, flog him, and nail him to a cross. The irony of it!

He endured it "for the joy that was set before him." He kept his eyes on the prize. He knew that because of what he was doing multitudes from every nation, tribe, and tongue would be saved to live with him for all eternity. That's what motivated him - that joy that was set before him, the RESULTS of his sacrifice.

We are called to keep that in mind as the same enemy who caused Jesus such pain also does all he can to stop us from serving the Lord. We also are targets of Satan. He frustrates, he interferes, causes false accusation against us, he moves people to hate and reject us, and to even kill us if they can. So how do we stay motivated to endure whatever we must for the sake of the Kingdom of God? We keep our eyes on the joy that is set before us.

This world will pass away, but what God has put into our hearts to do for him will reap eternal results. Let us firm it up in our minds and hearts that we will continue on no matter what the devil sends our way - and he will, we know that. But we press on - for the joy set before us.

Just one life, t'will soon be past;

just what was done for Christ will last.

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