Don't Let Stubbornness Destroy You

February 20

"Do not diminish a word. 
Perhaps everyone will listen
and turn from his evil way,

THAT I MAY RELENT concerning the calamity
which I purpose to bring on them
because of the evil of their doings.’"
Jeremiah 26:2-3

Throughout the Book of Jeremiah God pleads through him to the nation of Israel to turn from their wicked ways. Through the tears of Jeremiah God reasons with them, he tells them of his great love for them and begs them to turn back to Him ...but they refuse. The story ends with destruction as the king of Babylon comes upon them, destroys the Temple, destroys Jerusalem, and brings the survivors captive to Babylon.

God is longsuffering and patient, not willing that any perish. He warns and warns and warns again telling people that he loves them and does NOT want to bring judgment upon them. Regardless how heinous their evil deeds are, he still holds out his offer of mercy.

But God will not strive with men forever. There comes a time when he will no longer plead with them over their rejection of him, and judgment falls.

"And the Lord said,
'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever...'"

Genesis 6:3

If you're running from God, repent. He does not want to bring ruin upon you, but if you persist in rejecting him or ignoring him there will come a time when he will give you over to destruction, NOT because he wants to, but because your stubbornness has chosen that for yourself.

Don't let stubbornness bring you to ruin. Turn your heart to the Lord. He is still holding out his hand of pardon and mercy. But it won't be forever.

"Today, if you will hear His voice,

do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion..."
Hebrews 3:7-8


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