Let's All Join Together In 'Tolerance' They Say

February 13

"For many deceivers have gone out
into the world, 
who do not confess
Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh.

This is a deceiver and an antichrist."
2 John 1:7

This is the day of ecumenism. Let's all respect each other's views and let's just get along. Right?

No! Far from it!

Scripture tells us that the last days will be characterized by deception, AND that in the last days there will arise a global religion.

The pope and some protestant leaders are trying to merge Islam with Christianity in a bid for tolerance and ecumenism. They're calling it Chrislam. What an insult to our Savior and all that he did for us. Shall we join with those who reject him???

"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers

for what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?
And what communion has light with darkness?"
2 Corinthians 6:14

We are NOT to join with those who do not have the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Not only does Islam not have the doctrine of Christ - in fact Islam has a saying, "God has no Son." This saying is inscribed on the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem, proclaiming on that holy mount that God has no son! How therefore, can Christianity unite with Islam?

They call it Chrislam. God calls it cursed.

"But even if we, or an angel from heaven,
preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you,
let him be accursed." -Galatians 1:8

Watch Catholicism. Watch the Pope. He's winning the hearts of the people with his "humility" and care for the poor. He's winning them and uniting them in false doctrine. 

Do we write these people off and turn our backs on them? No, we pray for them. We're polite to them.

But we do not unite with them.

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