The Deceitfulness of Sin

December 7

"...exhort one another daily,
while it is called 'today,'

lest any of you be hardened
through the deceitfulness of sin..."
Hebrews 3:13


Satan does not come with a sign that says, "I'm Satan and here I come to destroy you." No, he plays pleasantly on the lusts of the flesh, luring the willing into the plot that will destroy them.

All sin presents itself as something good, something pleasurable, and he tells the person he's luring that this is a good thing and will not harm you.

Satan's methods have not changed. This is exactly what happened in Genesis when he told Eve that the forbidden fruit will NOT result in the curse the Lord had warned her about. So "when she saw that it was pleasant to the eyes," she fell for it. The story is in Genesis chapter 3:1-6 - read it and understand the way Satan operates. He denies the fact that it will bring consequences and makes it look so good that it can't possibly be evil.

Sin lures us with pleasure, but that pleasure is deceitful. It doesn't tell you that it hardens your heart. And it doesn't tell you that you'll have to pay the piper. Eve forfeited the life she knew in the Garden. It cost her. Greatly.

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked;

for whatever a man sows, that he WILL also reap."
Galatians 6:7

"Sin fascinates, then it assassinates.

It thrills, then it kills.
It will take you farther than you wanted to go,
keep you longer than you wanted to stay,
and cost you more than you were willing to pay."
-Adrian Rogers

Truly, TRULY it just isn't worth it.

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