Jesus Christ Upholds All Things - LITERALLY

November 18

Jesus Christ not only created all things, he actually UPHOLDS them, he actually keeps them in existence:

"...who being the brightness of his glory

and the express image of his person,
and upholding all things by the word of his power..."
Hebrews 1:3

This is LITERALLY true. All things are upheld by him:

vs 2:

"...through whom also he made the worlds...
But through whom also all is UPHELD."

In fact, it's by him that all things CONSIST:

"All things were created through him and for him.

And he is before all things,
Colossians 1:16-17


The following is the most wonderful demonstration of this that I have ever seen. Watch it to the end - at the end is the proof that IN HIM ALL THINGS CONSIST. And at the end you'll see how it applies to YOU.

How Great Is OurGod!

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