Life As Usual – Then Suddenly

September 20

“And as it was in the days of Noah,

so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man.
They ate, they drank, they married wives,
they were given in marriage,
until the day that Noah entered the ark,
and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Luke 17:26-27

It came suddenly. Unexpectedly.

The coming judgment will be unexpected also. Up until that day people will be carrying on as usual - then suddenly…

I’ve often wondered how Noah felt as he took many, many years to build the ark. Scripture tells us that Noah was “a preacher of righteousness.” But he preached ...and not a single one other than his family, listened to him. They thought he was crazy, deluded, as he built a huge boat in a place where it didn’t rain.

Even so in our day the Lord has raised up many Noahs, men and women who know judgment is coming and who are “preachers of righteousness” – but as with Noah, few are listening. They think the preachers of righteousness are deluded. They call them “doom and gloom” preachers. That’s what they would have called Noah. Yet those who know what the Scriptures say about “the last days” continue to try to reach sinners and bring them to repentance. Few are listening as the Noahs of today speak, as they bid others to come into the ark of safety... but most won’t.

Won’t you come – those reading this who remain unsaved? There is terrible judgment coming. Jesus said it will be worse than what happened in Noah's day (Matthew 24:21).

Think hard on this: rebellion isn’t worth it. Your choice will determine your whole eternity ...and eternity is a very long time.



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