April 2
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
and the Son
of Man will be betrayed
to the chief priests and to the
and they will condemn him to death,
to mock and to scourge and to crucify.
And the
third day he will rise again.’”
Matthew 20:18-19
something in this verse that many miss. Read it again, see if you can
find it.
Jesus said that he will be mocked, scourged, and
crucified …by WHOM?
The world calls the Jews “Christ
killers.” How often have they been cursed for “killing Jesus.”
But the Scripture clearly shows that Jesus was delivered to the
GENTILES …who crucified him. Yes, the Jews condemned him, but it
was Gentiles who mocked, scourged, and crucified him, making it clear
that he was crucified …by all …for all.
In the story of
Isaac and his brother Ishmael, the Scripture shows that hatred for
the Jews is an everlasting hatred. It began with Ishmael and Satan has hated
and persecuted the descendants of Isaac to this very day - indeed, our
daily newspapers present the hatred of the Jews that is ongoing and
unchangeable, and it’s unchangeable because it is the agenda of Satan himself. This is not a battle of men against men, it
is Satan’s doing. Only God will be able to stop it, and he will …when
the Messiah comes.
In the Book of Daniel, it is written that
the wicked will not understand this.
“...none of the wicked
shall understand,
but the wise shall understand.”
Daniel 12:10
What is so clear to
those who know the Word of God – is UNKNOWABLE to the wicked. Isn’t
that only so obvious as we watch it play out!
Friends, WE
killed Jesus. He was crucified to bear the judgment on our sins, for
all who will believe in him.
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