

Telling God He's Wrong

February 15

"..he who does not believe God,
has made him a liar..."
1 John 5:10

This is true of anyone refusing to believe the Word of God. When we pick and choose what we'll believe, we're putting our human thinking above the Word of the most high God. We're saying, in effect, "That can't be right because it doesn't seem right to me." We designate ourselves as the judge, and by extension, we're saying to God, "You're wrong."

"It is not for us to select something from God’s Word and hold it up to the light of our understanding, and then decide whether to accept it or reject it."
-Bill Cripe

Jesus said, "I AM the TRUTH..." (John 14:6) and you can be sure that when you stand before him you won't be explaining to him why he was in error at any time, in any place, in any way.

What you don't understand, just put it on the shelf. Let the problem be in your understanding, not in the integrity of God. Later, it will be explained to you. In the meantime don't make the gross error of telling God that something he said doesn't make sense. He doesn't need it to "make sense" to a mortal man.

When one rejects truth, lies fill the void.
-John McTernan

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