Have The Same Attitude Whether Pleasant Or Unpleasant

January 22

"...do not be afraid of their words
or dismayed by their looks,

though they are a rebellious house.
You shall speak my words to them,
whether they hear or whether they refuse,
for they are rebellious."
Ezekiel 2:6-7

"But the house of Israel will not listen to you,
because they will not listen to me;"
Ezekiel 3:7

Most believers want with all their hearts to serve the Lord. Many desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit, gifts of healing, gifts of encouragement, the pleasant gifts.

But what if the Lord asked you to do something that will surely fail? What if the Lord sent you to deliver a message that you will be ostracized for, criticized for, laughed at for? Ezekiel and Jeremiah were called upon to do exactly that.

The Lord must be Lord over every aspect of our lives, and over all that we do. If your heart is to truly serve him, then you must be willing to serve him in any way he chooses, whether it's pleasant or unpleasant, whether it brings you applause or scorn. If you truly want to serve him, you must serve him with a fully surrendered heart, willing to do anything he has you do regardless of the reactions of those who see or hear you.

Pray with me:
Father, pride still occupies a part of my heart, and I confess this pride before you. Deliver me of it, I pray. Grant to me the humility to do anything you would have me do regardless of the reactions of man. Let me do those things with as great an enthusiasm as I would have for any pleasant work you might have me do, for I do it all for you.

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