Touching The Occult Provokes God To Anger

October 31

"...he practiced soothsaying,
used witchcraft and sorcery,
and consulted mediums and spiritists.
He did much evil in the sight of the Lord,
to provoke him to anger."

2nd Chronicles 33:6

All forms of the occult are absolutely forbidden in the Word of God. This kind of sin brings a curse. The most common manifestations of a curse resulting from delving into the occult are tragedy in the family, mental illness and premature death, often the death of the sinner's child or children.

Not only is involvement in the occult an abomination, but the Lord says any PERSON who DOES any of this is an abomination.

“For all who DO these things are an abomination to the Lord...”
Deuteronomy 18:12


Because there are only two sources of supernatural power, God and Satan. If one makes contact with a medium or fortune teller, the power being contacted is demonic, the power the medium contacts is from the Satanic kingdom. When king Saul went for advice to a medium, she made contact with the dead for him. For this sin he lost his life.

"So Saul died for his unfaithfulness
which he had committed against the Lord,
because he did not keep the word of the Lord,
and also because he consulted a medium for guidance."
1 Chronicles 10:13

The Bible is very clear, in many passages, that we are to go ONLY to the Lord and approaching any form of the occult is spiritual adultery.

Any involvement in anything occult provokes God to anger. Any. Even when done in ignorance.

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