Be Careful Not To End In Regret

March 17

"Come, and let us return to the Lord;

for he has torn, but he will heal us;
he has stricken, but he will bind us up."
Hosea 6:1

When a believer strays off the right way, the Lord will send correction and it is sometimes severe. When the Lord tears, when he strikes, it can be overwhelming, and so severe that it brings the person to their knees. But that's the point. It is meant to bring him to repentance, and many times a light correction just won't do the job.

If you're running from God, you're inviting disaster. It is far more serious than you have any idea, because you've put yourself in the place of God, determined to do it your way, to pursue your desires, with your heart making excuses for yourself.

You can't run from God. He will pursue you and bring upon you whatever it takes to bring you to repentance. He loves you that much.

Come, return to the Lord. He has torn you, he has stricken you, but he is waiting to heal you and to bind up your wounds. Stop resisting him, let it go or it will end in disaster. When you return to the Lord you will find peace once again, and healing for your battered soul. He will restore you and he will bring into your life those things that will bring true happiness, things designed especially and uniquely for you.

When judgment comes it can be terrible, but far more terrible is missing what God had planned for your life. To end up at the end of your life finding out that you totally missed what God had planned for you - what eternal regret it will be to discover you missed it. Don't take the chance. It's not worth it.

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