Don't Demand That Others See Things As You Do

 March 9

"...that none of you may be puffed up
on behalf of one against the other.
For who makes you differ from another?
And what do you have that you did not receive?
1 Corinthians 4:6-7

Every gift, every talent, every ability, that each individual has ...was GIVEN to him/her.

If it was given, then it didn't arise from one's self. Bring thanksgiving to God who gave it, therefore, and use it with all your heart for his glory.

If you understand that it was given you, do not expect others to walk in the same gifting or ability or perspective that you have.

Operating in your gifts or talents "comes naturally." It's where you shine. It's your thing. The problem then, is that because it "comes naturally," you expect others to see things as you see them, and that won't work.

People are drawn to others of like mind, interests, and perspectives. But we must be careful to value those who do not have the same mind or interests or perspective as we have.

Do you have a friend whose walk with the Lord differs from yours? Do not try to influence him/her to see things as you do. It won't work and truly understanding that will prevent unreasonable expectations of others. Truly understanding that can stop arguments and bring each to actually place tremendous value on the gifts and callings of each member of the body of Christ even when, especially when, they differ from yours.

"There are diversities of gifts,
but the same Spirit.

There are differences of ministries,
but the same Lord.

And there are diversities of activities,
but it is the same God who works all in all."
1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Let us love those who are different from us and appreciate their differences, bringing glory to God for their gifts as well as our own.

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