Are You Born Again? What Is The Evidence?

February 10

"Repent therefore and be converted,
that your sins may be blotted out,
so that times of refreshing
may come from the presence of the Lord..."
Acts 3:19

To many, the word 'repentance' is a scary word, mostly because they are deeply aware of their inability to do it. They realize it's not a matter of just stopping whatever it is they're in bondage to, and we ALL are in bondage to whatever sin is predominant in us. They misunderstand what repentance is.

Repentance is surrender. It's turning over every part of your self and your life to the ownership and Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Do you think he isn't aware that you're unable to overcome the sin in your life? Oh friend, not only is he aware, but he understands that far more deeply than you do. He understands, and he cares. He's not going to ask anything of you that is impossible - instead, he will lead you into deliverance and healing, one step at a time.

Every religion other than faith in the Word of God is philosophy and nothing more. Philosophy does not have the power to change the human heart. But faith in the Word of God and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, changes the heart, not by human striving, but by the power of God.

"...that your faith should NOT be in the wisdom of men

but in the POWER of God."
1 Corinthians 2:5

The Gospel is not philosophy. It's not human persuasion. It's the POWER of God, not your power, HIS power.

If you have not experienced this change in your life, then question whether you have been born again. If it is not the case in your life, you must go to him and ask for the real thing.


BornAgain - What Does That Mean?

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